Essential Cami: The First Backless Camisole
In 2011, independent inner wear designer Maria Constantatos introduced a new kind of camisole to the market called The Essential Cami. With no straps or apparatus in the back, Maria’s Patented invention had the potential to carve out a new niche in the women’s inner wear market.
Maria came to Nutter Media in 2012 for help in her brand communications. The first problem with the name The Essential Cami is that it did not spotlight the product’s defining feature – that it is backless. And because all camisoles cover the “essentials” her product’s name suggested that it was just another camisole amongst the innumerable camisoles on the market.
Nutter Media’s recommendation was to help correct the problem by positioning The Essential Cami as “the first backless camisole” in all its communications. This positioning helped put the product on The Gayle King Show (which included an endorsement from King and O Magazine Creative Director Adam Glassman), Dr. Oz, the Marie Osmond Show and Better TV.
““Christopher distilled the point of the product in just three powerful words: ‘first backless camisole’. It’s how a new product no one had heard of wound up in the hands of Adam Glassman at O Magazine, onto the Gayle King Show, and even into her wardrobe.””